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Campus Safe Walk©

College friends women Ambrose Academy

"I told my daughter if she wants to date, she has to take this seminar four to five times. I want her to internalize the information so that she will be ready. She loves it." Ramona C. - Wyandotte, MI

"I highly recommend Ambrose Academy. Especially viable for women and girls to learn simple, effective techniques that work!!! Understanding how to protect yourself also manifests in overall confidence and the ability to adjust to varying situations. Would recommend to all!!!"    Lori L. - Canton, MI

Woman kicking man Ambrose Academy

Self-Defense and Much More

Before your daughter steps on a college campus, sign her up for Campus Safe Walk© women' self-defense course. She will learn simple, efficient, and effective self-defense skills that will help her fend off an attacker. She will also receive vital safety information that will help her recognize risky and potentially dangerous situations that are often found on the college campuses of today. 

Safety Pitfalls Found in Campus Culture

There is just more to cover in Campus Safewalk© beyond Women's Self-Defense. Topics include the ploys that undermine personal safety, safe practices at parties, frats, or clubs, street smart safety,  stalkers, domestic violence, date rape drugs and information on the safety services campus security offer.


HEY PARENTS! The Safety Gap

You kept them safe, taught them the rules, and have their backs. You hope you helped them prepare for the future. But now she is leaving your care and protection. Suddenly, you recognize the huge  gaping hole in your child's safety plan, a vital component is missing - Self Defense. 


Don't panic. With Campus Safe Walk© your daugther will be well-informed on the social, mental, and the physical safety issues and challenges that await her on campus.





Campus Safe Walk© Program is a minimum four-six class commitment.

Campus Safe Walk© 

There is always a 

Bring A Friend Discount - $5 Off

Groups of four or more get $10 Off


$129 Monday - Friday



10:00am - 12:30pm 

Dates to be Announced

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Wear Comfortable Clothes

and Gym Shoes. 



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