28239 Plymouth Rd. Livonia 48150
Ambrose academy martial art Life skills center
Girls "street Smarts"
Girls' Self Defense Afterschool program
Ambrose Academy of Wing Chun Do
Martial Art Life Skills Center
28239 Plymouth Rd
Livonia, MI 48150

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Before proceeding to the next page, there are a few things you need to be made aware of so you can make an informed decision.
Please read the following.

"Street Smarts"
What does that mean?
Understanding the motivation behind others' actions. Understanding boundaries and the meaning of consent. Understanding the ploys that undermine safety.
Understanding and standing up for oneself.

This class is rated PG-13
In order to prepare your daughter for what she will encounter in the outside world, we will discuss the following topics:
Ploys used to undermine her safety.
(ages 10-16 yrs. old)
How to establish boundaries.
(ages 10-16 yrs. old)
What is consent? (10-16 yrs old)
Cyberbullying, texting, internet safety.(10-17 yrs old)
Depression, Anxiety, Loneliness
(10-17 yrs old)
Rape culture, domestic abuse, and
human trafficking. (15-17 yrs old)
Self-esteem, confidence, body image, using your voice, looking out for one another, and safety strategies.
Mental Self-Defense
Mom and Dad,
Are you comfortable with the topics above? Especially if you are parents of 10-13 year old teens. Empowerment means knowledge. The topics will be tailored to suit this specific age group.
If So, let's get to it!
Add your email below and go to the next page.
Message from the Instructor, Elizabeth Ambrose:
Young women and children are the most vulnerable sectors of our society and are the victims of choice of most assailants, known and unknown. News of missing young women and girls fuel parental fears of abduction, human trafficking, and sexual assault.
But there are also other potentially dangerous situations that plague our young people, such as negative peer pressure, drug abuse, bullying, depression, anxiety, and poor body image, that have resulted in a suicide epidemic.
For girls, they often get mixed messages on many fronts making them feel insecure and inadequate. Statistics show that girls' self-esteem and confidence plummets when they reach middle school.
This program is more than a physical self-defense class. It focuses on mental self-defense as well. Knowledge is power. If we can give girls the vital information that clues them in on the motivations of these outside forces trying to undermine their confidence, their principles, their judgement, and their safety, perhaps they can analyze why and recognize when, they are being manipulated or coerced.
Recognizing potentially dangerous situations and what to do about them can benefit any age group. How we deliver the message, in a nurturing, age-appropriate, and non-threatening way, can help a young girl become more savvy, what I call, Street Smarts.
As an instructor, some of the most gratifying experiences have been watching women become empowered, not because they learn self defense skills but because their eyes are open to the possibilities. Women can base decisions on prevention and preparedness by acquiring the knowledge and skill needed to make informed decisions regarding personal safety.
By presenting self-protection as a safety/health issue, mothers, daughters and families, can discuss perhaps for the first time, that personal safety and self-preservation is a knowledge and skill that all women need to share.
We strive to make all discussions and topics age appropriate.
If you feel your daughter is not ready to participate in certain discussions, we will be happy to move her
to another activity while the discussion is going on. Please feel free to call or visit and review our curriculum.
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